Thursday, November 5, 2015

Anxiety...its building. I'm having a baby.

March 2015...Why is it that when we finally are blessed with what we've been praying for, we still worry ourselves out of the joy? Worry is such a strong negative force in my life. I worry about David, about my friends, about my family, my job, Cosmo, lost people, saved people, starving children, why people would ever eat squash....I mean, I can worry the paint slap off the walls. So if I call myself a praying woman, why can't I lay all that worry down? The truth is I do, and then I pick it back up. I have prayed for a long time for this baby but in the midst of the overwhelming joy I find myself covered up in worry and fear. Every little ache and pain and I find myself in turmoil over the "what ifs" and "oh no, not agains". I think most of us spend our time worrying about so many things that we forget that God has already written this down. If we have the faith to pray for our miracle, once we receive it, what blocks us from being able to rest in His assurance and let the worry go? Joy is hard to keep when we let worry take hold of us. We women tend to want to be the best wife, mom, bible study girl, friend, daughter, housekeeper, cook, clean freak, calendar keeping super woman. And if we aren't, we worry ourselves sick over who we may have let down or what tiny area of the house isn't clean....and why?? We aren't expected to be the best at everything and for everyone, we are only expected to give our best to Him. He will take our worry, give us joy, and make us the women He wants us to be. If we worry ourselves out of joy, we can't live the shining Christ-like example He desires for us. He doesn't desire for us to wallow in worry and spend hours analyzing the "what ifs"....He desires greatness for His children. He knows each of our hearts and individual worries. He knows our strengths, weaknesses and what we need to get through each day. Our worries will not make a difference in the outcome of our, all it will do is rob us of our joy. As praying women, we have to pray for the strength to overcome the worry and allow His joy to shine. 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV)

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