Thursday, November 5, 2015

Warnings, road signs and His plan..

Okay, so you know how you drive down the same road 2-3 times a week and you think you have seen everything there is to see on this boring stretch of road and all the sudden, bam...something you've never seen before is there. It's not a new sign or marker, or at least it doesn't look new, so when did it get there and how have you not seen it? Well yeah, that happened to me today. I was driving down a typical stretch of road for me when I noticed these signs that said "baker road next right" or "oak hill circle next left". 
My thoughts....
1. When did they put these up? And...
2. Why? These aren't big roads or big intersections...they are just side roads. Back residential roads. So why do we need a warning? 
Sometimes I wish I could have these signs for the side roads and ventures of my life....but for the big intersections, the really scary ones. Like "up ahead on hwy 27, my age at the time...clever I know, you'll have a sick husband and lose a child" but if you hang on "up ahead on hwy 29, you'll get pregnant again and on hwy 30 you'll bring home a healthy little girl". But we don't...we get really excited about getting married and then your spouse gets sick. And not like normal sick but like blood clot, old people illness, genetic, will affect your children, life altering, medication for life sick. You want to scream THIS IS NOT HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!! WHERE WAS MY WARNING!?! Or you get pregnant and just know you are going to have a normal pregnancy and bam...early labor, no warning for that, and you lose your little girl. WHY!?!
But that's where we must realize just how much bigger God is than we are. If we had warning signs before every turn in life...we'd never turn. We would never take a leap of faith. We would never allow ourselves to love or dream in anticipation of heartache and loss. You see, God has a bigger view than us. He has a wide lens while we just see what's in front of us. We have to trust in His view. We have to blindly go on faith that His plan is best. Because as much as we want to control every turn our life takes, as much as we want a huge warning sign of things to come, we couldn't handle it. Our feeble minds are just not advanced enough to process the not so perfect future in advance. Because let's be is messy, turns can get ugly, sometimes you may find yourself so lost in the twists and turns and ups and downs of a side road that you think you may never get to the end. But you do, you always do, and if we knew those twisty dark roads were coming, we would stay straight. Its in the mess that we are blessed.....that's why He is God. We miss out on our greatest blessings when we stop allowing our faith to guide us. There is no bypass for the trials of life but we do have the best driver.....
#ridewithHim #letHimdrive #shotgun 

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