Thursday, November 5, 2015

When He speaks


Ever feel God speaking but aren't sure you hear Him clearly? I know I have. Sometimes we hear Him and then make every excuse that it isn't him. Maybe we are overthinking it, it isn't the right time, I have too many problems going on..that can't be God. Sometimes we even go down the ever so destructive path of "I can't be used." Or "I'm not worthy." Sometimes He pounds at us with signs that He is present and we still don't listen. Either we are mad and in a dark place where we "can't" hear Him or we are fearful of the plan He has laid on our heart.
In my darkest days, I know He held me tight. I know I was lifted daily out of bed and ran on His fumes to survive. It is easy for me to look back now and see where He was on every moment of my dark journey. But in the midst of the dark, there were times I couldn't feel Him. Times I questioned where He was and why He thought I was strong enough to handle it all. Truth is, He never left. He never does. He is always with us speaking, knocking on our hearts. When he speaks to us, whether in good or bad times, He speaks and is meant to be heard. He places desires and plans on our hearts and He fully equips us to handle them. We may fail, we may fall short, we may face dark dark times but if we are walking in His light and following His path...He will use us. We are all just an empty shell without Him so why not let Him shine through the brokenness...His beautiful brokenness.

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